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File: MoreCFMPatches.h
Contains: Interface to CFM patching technology.
Written by: Quinn
Copyright: Copyright © 1998-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
code, but that you've made changes.
Change History (most recent first):
<1> 16/3/99 Quinn First checked in.
#pragma once
// MoreIsBetter Setup
#include "MoreSetup.h"
// Standard Mac OS interfaces
#include <MacTypes.h>
// Using MoreCFMPatches
// This CFM patching technology works by monkeying with transition
// vectors, henceforth known as TVectors, in non-obvious ways.
// To use it succesfully, you must know something about TVectors.
// For complete information, I suggest the book "Mac OS Runtime
// Architectures", available from <http://www.apple.com/developer/>.
// However, the following points are especially important:
// 1. On CFM architectures, all exported functions are called
// by means of a TVector. The exporter exports a TVector
// in its data section, the importer imports the address of
// the TVector as a pointer in its data section. When
// the importer calls the function, it does so by calling
// through this TVector pointer.
// 2. Likewise, all routine pointers are not actually pointers
// to code, but pointers to TVectors.
// 3. TVectors are typically two words long, the first word being
// a pointer to the code and the second word being a pointer to
// the callee's TOC (ie somewhere in the callee's data section)
// However this is not a requirement. The only requirements are:
// a) the first word must point to the code,
// b) the caller must load the second word into R2, and
// c) the caller must load R12 with a pointer to the TVector itself.
// [This allows the callee to extract any extra information
// it cares to store in the TVector.]
// This patching technology maintains all these invariants.
// Beware of cheap imitations!
// Using this library is very easy. Just follow the 5 easy
// steps:
// i. Write your patch routine to have exactly the same
// calling conventions as the routine you are going to patch.
// extern pascal void OriginalRoutine(char *param);
// extern pascal void MyPatch(char *param)
// {
// [...do stuff...]
// }
// ii. Call MorePatchTVector to add your patch to the list
// of patches on the original routine. Remember, a C
// function pointer is a pointer to a transition vector,
// so you can just cast a pointer to the original routine
// to a TVector. Neat huh?
// err = MorePatchTVector((TVector *) OriginalRoutine,
// (TVector *) MyPatch,
// kMyCreator,
// nil);
// iii. Don't forget to include a useful creator code so that
// you (and Apple) can manage your patches.
// iv. If you need to call through to the original routine,
// just cast gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough to the appropriate
// C routine pointer type and call it.
// typedef pascal void (*OriginalRoutineProc)(char *param);
// extern pascal void MyPatch(char *param)
// {
// [...do 'head' patch stuff...]
// ((OriginalRoutineProc) gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough)(param);
// [...do 'tail' patch stuff...]
// }
// You use the same routine pointer for all patches in all
// patch chains. The clever run-time implementation figures
// out what to call when. But remember:
// a. you must call through from the mainline of your
// patch routine, not from a routine that your patch
// routine has called, and
// b. for gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough to work properly, the fragment
// containing "MoreCFMPatches.c" must remain in memory as long
// as the patch code that might actually call it. Don't
// try to call gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough after unloading
// "MoreCFMPatches.c".
// v. Link with the MoreCFMPatchesLib.stub library. You must
// weak link with this stub library. Doing so allows future
// system software to override the behaviour of this patching
// module without any special hackery. The module is designed
// such that, if the weak link succeeds, all routines in this
// module will call through their equivalent routines in the
// library.
// *NEVER* build MoreCFMPatches into a CFM shared library and
// install it in the Extensions folder. This module is meant
// to be linked into your application as C source code.
// Linking with a stub library is done to allow some future
// system software version of this code to override the
// behaviour of this code in a compatible fashion.
// vi. Finally, and this is the big one, you must remember that
// TVectors are exported out of a fragment's *data* section.
// Fragments may use a shared data section, or a per-context
// data section. Fragments with a shared data section only
// have a single set of TVectors and are easy to patch. However,
// per-context fragments export a different set of TVectors
// for each context and, if you want your patch to have global
// effect, you must patch the TVectors in each context. Urgh.
// Furthermore, there's no easy way to determine whether a
// fragment is per-context or globally shared. You just have
// to "DumpPEF" it and check out the flag. And there's no
// guarantee that a particular fragment will not switch from
// being one to the other.
// Beyond that, you should be warned that patching a TVector
// with a TVector modifies both TVectors. So if you're
// patching a per-context library, you must patch it with
// a TVector from a per-context library.
// Hey, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
// Error Codes
enum {
kVectorNotPatchedByUsErr = -680,
// This error can be returned by various routines when
// you attempt to manipulate patches on a TVector that
// either a) wasn't patched by MorePatchTVector (or compatible
// routine), or b) has been over-patched by an incompatible
// TVector patching technology.
kPatchNotFoundInPatchIslandErr = -681,
// This error can be returned by MoreUnpatchTVector when
// you attempt to unpatch a TVector that was patched with
// a compatible TVector patching techology but whose
// patchTVectorToRemove wasn't found in the list of patches.
// If you successfully called MorePatchTVector, this typically
// implies either a) you're not passing in the same TVector
// in patchTVectorToRemove as you passed in to the
// patchTVectorToAdd parameter of MorePatchTVector, or b)
// someone overpatched your original patch with an incompatible
// patching technology and then someone else overpatched that
// with a compatible patching technology. Urgh.
kTVectorAlreadyPatchedByYouErr = -682,
// This error is return by MorePatchTVector when the TVector
// being patched has already been patched with the supplied
// patch TVector.
kPatchNotFoundErr = -683,
kPatchInfoOverrunErr = -684
// TVector Structure
// TVector represents the CFM "transition vector". See
// "Mac OS Runtime Architectures" for more details about
// transition vectors.
// The pragma align isn't strictly speaking necessary but the
// TVector structure is graven in stone, never to change, so
// let's play by the rules and declare it that way.
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
struct TVector {
void *codePointer;
// ... extra fields are compiler specific
typedef struct TVector TVector, *TVectorPtr;
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Interface to Patching Code
extern ProcPtr gMoreCFMPatchesCallThrough;
// This routine pointer is used to call through to the
// previous routine in the patch chain. Just cast it
// to the appropriate C function pointer type and call it.
extern pascal OSStatus MorePatchTVector(TVector *tVectorToPatch,
TVector *patchTVectorToAdd,
OSType creator,
void *refcon);
// Patch the routine whose TVector is tVectorToPatch with
// a routine whose TVector is patchTVectorToAdd. creator
// and refcon are extra data associated with the patch
// that is not intepreted by this module. You should
// pass a registered creator code into creator and you
// can pass whatever you like into refcon.
// The creator helps to identify which software has patched
// which routines, which in turns helps you (and Apple) to
// debug weird patching conflicts.
// patchTVectorToAdd must point to a TVector for a routine
// whose prototype is *exactly* the same as the prototype
// of the routine whose TVector is tVectorToPatch.
// If you intend to patch a routine globally, you must call
// this for every instance of the TVector tVectorToPatch
// that's created. See above for details.
// The only likely error codes include kTVectorAlreadyPatchedByYouErr
// (tVectorToPatch is already patched by tPatchTVectorToAdd) and
// Memory Manager errors, specifically memFullErr.
extern pascal OSStatus MoreUnpatchTVector(TVector *tVectorToUnpatch,
TVector *patchTVectorToRemove);
// Remove the routine whose TVector is patchTVectorToRemove
// from the list of patches on tVectorToUnpatch. The likely
// error codes include kVectorNotPatchedByUsErr and
// kPatchNotFoundInPatchIslandErr, both of which are explained
// above.
// Debugging/Sanity Checking Routines
extern pascal OSStatus MoreCountPatches(TVector *tVector, ItemCount *count);
// Counts the number of patches associated with the supplied TVector.
// Returns kVectorNotPatchedByUsErr if the TVector hasn't been
// patched by us.
// infoKind bufferSize
enum {
kPatchInfoCreator = 'crea', // sizeof(OSType)
kPatchInfoTVector = 'tvec', // sizeof(TVector *)
kPatchInfoRefcon = 'refc' // sizeof(void *)
extern pascal OSStatus MoreGetIndexedPatchInfo(TVector *tVector, ItemCount index,
OSType infoKind, void *buffer, ByteCount bufferSize);
// Returns information about the index'th patch applied
// to the TVector. index is one based, and must be in the range
// 1 through the value returned by MoreCountPatches. infoKind
// specifies the type of information you're interested in,
// and must be one of the OSTypes in the enumeration above.
// buffer must point to a buffer where the information is
// placed. bufferSize must be the size of the buffer pointed
// to by buffer.
// The routine returns kPatchNotFoundErr if index is out
// of bounds.
// The routine returns kPatchInfoOverrunErr if the buffer
// is too small to accept all the information, but it
// also fills in the first bufferSize bytes of the buffer.
// Note for the future: If the information is variable
// length (a string perhaps), the returned information
// must include a description of the true length, otherwise
// there's no way for the client to know how much of
// the buffer is valid if the client supplied a bigger
// buffer than was necessary.
#ifdef __cplusplus